
"You didn't come here to make the choice. You've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it." - The Oracle, The Matrix


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white candles on brown wooden table
white candles on brown wooden table


I work with spirit guides for my readings. I receive information mainly by seeing images (clairvoyance) and feelings (clairsentience). The information that I share during session is messages from spirit guides and the things I pick up. The messages may come from my spirit guides, client's spirit guides and/or loved ones who crossed over.

tilt shift lens photography of person holding white feather
tilt shift lens photography of person holding white feather


Although I have a group of spirit guides and they are always together, often one or two main guides come through during a reading. Also client's loved ones who crossed over or/and spirit guides often come through with messages depending on client's question or needs. Spirit guides are always with us to help.

woman sitting on bench over viewing mountain
woman sitting on bench over viewing mountain


Although you may receive loving messages from spirit guides and information/ interpretation I may convey, please use your discernment. You are encouraged to make your own decisions regardless of any information or interpretation.